Quickie Case Study: Placing a Design Feature in Your Local Paper

This Boston Globe home design story, Strategic Splurge, featuring the work and ideas of Linda Merrill  is  a good example of the kinds of design stories newspapers are interested in, and how you should pitch them.   Effective PR is not just knowing who to pitch, but what to pitch when. Luxury spending is dead and budget is all the rage. If you're looking for a media story, review your product and projects for examples. Pull out the value and savings ideas, use seasonal and housing trends and pitch your product or service behind it. And most importantly, follow and get to know your local design reporters.  The knowledge gained by that is more valuable than any blog post you'll read. 


  1. Thanks Laura for including this story on your blog. You're absolutely right, I pitched the story of high/low decorating to the writer, had the photos all ready to go, had willing clients and it all fell into place very easily and quickly.

  2. Ah, I love it when it all comes together! :-) Good points. Good pics and cooperative clients definately help clinch a story like this. I'm never tired of a high/low story either.
